Monday, July 20, 2015

In our house, we blast off at 6!

In our house, we blast off at 6! And by 6, I definitely don't mean 6am, I mean when A's rocket is ready for Blastoff, its not 5, its not a countdown to 1, its 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Blastoff! I've thought about correcting her so many times, but really, whats the point? Whats the point of correcting something that's not actually wrong at all, especially not in her reality.

I've started my new blog with this subject, because it's something I've realised lately, that there's no point correcting something that's not a harmful "wrong".

It was a tough decision not to just resurrect my old blog, and continue to post under my old moniker, youaresomeonemaybe
However, the circumstances of my life have changed so dramatically since I last had an online presence I think this is the better home for my new thoughts. I have never blogged for anyone else, and this remains true with this blog, it is and always will be for me. If you're reading this, I'm happy to share with you, and if in some way my thoughts reach out to you, I'm so glad. If it's not your way of thinking, there's no point reading, move along please! Don't try and correct thoughts you see as wrong in your reality, which are totally right in mine.

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