Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Do you feel, do you feel that you feel too much?

So lately I've been suffering from... insomnia... well lets not actually call it insomnia. Lets call it refusing to go to sleep when I'm ridiculously tired for stupid reasons. Tonight's stupid reason was, if I get everything I need to do in the morning done tonight I can sleep in. Cue getting lost in the world wide web again for two hours and I'm back to where I started... tired and still having a list of things to do tomorrow. (hey my candy crush scores just keep getting better and better). Why is it that we don't want to sleep. And by We, I generally mean me. This is not the first time in my life my body has decided sleep is for the weak. I'm not sure if this current aversion is to do with the fact that sometimes sleep time is my only me time. Anyway, writing this blog post isn't really helping me fight it. Back to candy crush, oops I mean my to do list I go.

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